Acting head of the State Property Fund (SPF) Dmytro Parfenenko says Odesa Portside Factory will be likely sold next year, he said this commenting on today's decision of the tender commission to annul the sale auction.

"We'll be looking for better times, including the political ones, so that there is a common political will, a common vision of the privatization process. I think this will be next year," the official said adding that terms and conditions of the auction will not be changed. According to Parfenenko, an adequate price of Odesa Portside Factory is UAH 8-9 billion.

Ukraine-based Nortima Ltd. has today won the auction on the sale of 99.567% stock in JSC Odesa Portside Factory. The company offered UAH 5 billion (USD 1 - UAH 8.01) and this was the maximum offered at the tender. The starting price was UAH 4.1 billion, bid increment - UAH 50 million. A tender commission of the State Property Fund (SPF) rejected the results of the auction on the sale of factory.

According to the commission members, Nortima's price for the enterprise was to low.  Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko blamed the auction participants for collusion in order to bring down the factory price.

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