Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko remains the most influential person in Ukraine according to the Korrespondent magazine. The owner of the SCM group of companies, Regions Party MP Rinat Akhmetov is in second place, Regions Party leader Viktor Yanukovych is third, the major stockholder of the EastOne international investment advisory group, Viktor Pinchuk, appears at No. 4, and President Viktor Yuschenko was ranked at No. 5, Kyiv Post reported.

While presenting the list of top 100 most influential Ukrainians, Anna Moroz, the deputy editor-in-chief of the Korrespondent magazine, said at a press conference on Thursday that Tymoshenko topped the rating for the second consecutive year.

The editor of the magazine's Country Section, Andriy Smirnov, said that Tymoshenko, in the opinion of magazine editors and 22 experts who helped draft the list, was a major newsmaker in all political developments in the country.

"Any of her actions is actually reflected on the country's life," he said.

Speaking about Yanukovych who was ranked at No. 3, Smirnov said that "this person gets points by means of his inactivity."

Yuschenko lost two positions in the rating compared to last year.

"The president is losing his influence in the country… It's not ruled out that this politician won't be in the top 100 in the future," Moroz said.

The leader of NGO Front of Changes, Arseniy Yatseniuk, was ranked at No. 6 in the list of most influential Ukrainians.

According to Smirnov, this person "could potentially become one of the most influential people in the country."

Parliament Speaker Volodymyr Lytvyn was ranked at No. 7, the co-owner of the Privat financial and industrial group, Ihor Kolomoisky, at No. 8, First Vice Premier Oleksandr Turchynov at No. 9, and Presidential Secretariat Chairwoman Vira Ulyanchenko at No. 10.

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