The chairman of the VRU Volodymyr Lytvyn considers that Ukraine has the future only if Tymoshenko or Yanukovych does not become next President, but it will be somebody else.

According to Lytvyn, the coming fight will be very hard. It will be impossible to cure Ukraine as a result of split in case Tymoshenko or Yanukovych comes to power,” he said, ForUm’s correspondent informs.

Lytvyn says that if one of them is the new President, then a new property distribution will start. Everything will be much more serious than in early 90s.

According to Lytvyn, people who have serious interests in this country do not want one of these politicians has “control packet”. “The interests of ordinary people and big capital should coincide at next presidential election. It is possible only if neither Tymoshenko, nor Yanukovych is the next President of Ukraine, but somebody third,” Lytvyn said, expressing hope that people will make their choice wise and responsible.

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