Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko doubts that a no-confidence referendum on Kyiv Mayor Leonid Chernovetsky will be successful. She stated this during a press conference on Wednesday, ForUm informs, referring to the press service of Yulia Tymoshenko.

She reminded that according to current legislation, the mayor himself has to give permission for such a referendum to be held. “That’s why I don’t see how anything can be held within the confines of the law. Our political force made great efforts to organize similar referendums, but we encountered this very problem,” she said.

Tymoshenko also noted that a year ago Kyiv had the chance to elect a new mayor, but that the people failed to take advantage of the opportunity.

“I believe that next we’ll have regular term mayoral elections, during which the residents of Kyiv will have another chance to make a decision,” she added.

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