We favor Ukraine’s obtaining the IMF loan. But we will never let Ukraine agree to such terms of this loan, which would worsen the low-income citizens’ lifem ForUm informs, referring to the Party of Regions web-site.

The government suggests today making small and middle business pay 200 hryvnias of social tax instead of 84 hryvnias. In fact, it means that in a few months small enterprises, and that is one and a half millions of Ukrainians, will join the army of unemployed.

The Party of Regions will never let this.

The government agrees on the International Monetary Fund’s provision to abolish privileges and subsidies on charges for public utilities. It means that the low-income citizens will pay for public utilities four times more.

The Party of Regions will not let this law be passed.

The government concurs with the International Monetary Fund to increase Ukrainians’ retirement age, and do it already in 2009. But the shortest lifetime in Europe is in Ukraine, many people may just not live till their pension.

The Party of Regions minds the government’s approval of such terms.

We cited only several examples how the government by accepting the IMF terms will worsen the life of millions of Ukrainians.

The Party of Regions resolutely states that we will not allow the present authorities to humble the people of Ukraine.

We will not let the approval in this hall of the laws which will turn most our fellow citizens into beggars.

We are convinced the citizens of Ukraine will support our position.

And we together – the people and the Party of Regions - will manage to assert the Ukrainians’ right to the life deserved.

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