The chairman of Ukraine's parliament said on Monday the ex-Soviet state would pay Russia an average $240-250 per 1,000 cubic metres of gas throughout 2009, Ukrainian media reported.

Volodymyr Lytvyn, quoted by UNIAN news agency, said he based his calculation on discussions with the head of Ukrainian state energy company Naftogaz ahead of the expected signature of the gas deal in Moscow by the two countries' prime ministers.

"The approximate cost throughout the year -- if the agreement is signed -- will be in the area of $240-250," Lytvyn told a news conference. Ukraine paid $179.5 in 2008.

Lytvyn said the price would be calculated by taking into account forecast declines in the price of both gas and oil.

"I therefore hope that we will achieve what we set out to do when we started," he told reporters.

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