The European Parliament is planning to approve on Thursday, October 23 a resolution on Holodomor in Ukraine. There is not a word "genocide" in the document. The day before the debates the members of the parliament called Russia to open the archives.

Rebecca Harms, member of the European Parliament from Germany wants the history of Holodomor to be studied by Russia and Ukraine together in both countries. "We don't want to deep the rupture between the two countries due to this study as well as within Ukraine itself. It is very important to open the archives. We ought to insist upon this requirements. The Council of Europe must discuss this question and claim Russia for opening the archives," Harms told.

MP claimed her colleagues in the European Parliament to meet a lack of knowledge of history as during the discussion she learned that most part of her colleagues did not at all anything about the Holodomor.

There no term "genocide" in the text of resolution. MP from Great Britain explained that "other factions of the European Parliament do not believe that notion of "genocide" may be used concerning the Holodomor. Not the text but emotions of the MPs are really important." According to the MP, certain countries have still tried to hide from their own history, for example, Russia tries to cover crimes of the period of Stalin.

As a reminder, as for the moment there are several versions of the Resolution on Holodomor in the European Parliament. None of them contains notion of the Holodomor as an act of genocide. All factions of the European Parliament minded against this notion according to the general practice of the European Parliament.

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