The Party of Regions deputy Mykhailo Chechetov considers that Speaker Arseny Yatsenyuk tries to separate the business from the power with tough measures.

The deputy expressed his opinion to ForUm in an interview, commenting the decision of Yatsenyuk to introduce the telectronic voting system, which provides for personal presence of this or that deputy at a plenary session.

Chechetov thinks that there are no professional politicians of high class, which means that it would be quite difficult to fill the parliament with such people.

He underlined that the process of separation of the power from the business must follow the evolutionary path, not revolutionary one.

The MP reminded that in her time Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko made the decision to leave the big business and to go to the politics, while Viktor Pinchuk preferred the business to the politics.

“I think that Rinat Akhmetov also would have to settle this question in the nearest future,” Chechetov added.

As a reminder, Speaker of the parliament introduced new voting system in the VR.

“I promised and realized the constitutional norm – personal voting. Those who don’t want to work in the parliament always have an opportunity to resign. I will publish the lists of those deputies who go to work and who don’t. The country must know its heroes,” Yatsenyuk pointed out.

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