BYuT leader Ivan Kyrylenko has told what arguments his political force will perform in order the OU-PSD to support candidacy of Andriy Portnov for the position of the State Property Fund head. The ForUm’s correspondent reports.

“We have one argument. It is stated in the coalition agreement that this is our quota and our partners don’t have the right of veto,” Kyrylenko said.

He has noted that the voting depends on the position of Portnov. “He sees the situation that’s why nobody will make him a political statement in this direction to preserve the coalition and etc. I don’t want to be an oracle, but much depends on him,” the BYuT leader emphasized.

According to the People’s deputy, the BYuT doesn’t hold negotiations with factions of the minority concerning support of Portnov. “We must rely only on votes of the coalition, everything else is conditional agreements, we don’t need one or two votes,” the parliamentarian explained.

Kyrylenko has informed that the BYuT hopes that today it will be possible to consider the staff question of the State Property Fund.

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