The European Union has agreed with Ukraine's proposal on mutual exchange of electronic declarations during import and export of commodities, Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko told the meeting of Investors Council to the Cabinet of Ministers. Cabinet's press office reports.

"Meanwhile, export declarations will convert into import, because during withdrawal of goods from the country, export declaration gives a real cost of commodity for compensation of value added tax. Earlier understated costs were declared during imports in Ukraine. We must put a stop to this practice," Yulia Tymoshenko stressed.

She says coordination of the form of a joint declaration is proceeding with the countries having the greatest volume of export and import operations with Ukraine.

Commenting the situation with grain export quoting, Yulia Tymoshenko said that the rules of the World Trade Organization enable certain countries to introduce export quota rules.

She noted that it does not contravene the WTO rules Ukraine pledged to observe in joining the organization. "The other thing is that the procedure for distribution of quotas must be transparent and clear, without any preferences to anyone," the Prime Minister underscored.

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