President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko has great chances to win next presidential elections, the OU-PSD member Oles Dovhyi said that today.

“I consider that Yushchenko has big chances to get victory at next presidential elections,” he said at the press conference today.

Dovhyi considers that among factors which will help Yushchenko to win is a widening of electorate that foresees support of his candidature from Party of Regions side.

In private conversations representatives of PR support Yushchenko as Tymoshenko for them is a person with who it is more difficult to agree. Moreover, today Yushchenko’s people cooperate with representatives of big business from the East. He expressed assurance that elite from the East will support Viktor Yushchenko.

Speaking about competitors of Viktor Yushchenko, Dovhyi said that Yulia Tymoshenko has great chances to obtain the president’s position, but Viktor Yanukovych has few chances.

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