President Viktor Yushchenko held a meeting on February 15 with mayors of the cities scheduled to host Euro 2012 events. The meeting was dedicated to state of affairs with preparation to the arraignments. President's press office reports.
Opening the meeting the President stressed that every city bears responsibility for both working out a plan of preparation measures and financing them. He also noted that all hosting cities currently have equally complicated problems. One on the most critical is slow pace of stadiums building. Particularly problematic cities in that area, mentioned by V. Yushchenko are Odesa, Kharkiv, Kyiv and Lviv.

The President also drew attention to problems with organizing proper transport infrastructure. He urged Dnipropetrovsk, Lviv and Kharkiv mayors to stir up works on enhancing cities airports. Railroad, highway and bus communication infrastructures, according to V. Yushchenko, require urgent modernization too. Besides service quality should be increased especially by building new European level hotels.

From their part few city mayors suggested that their cities are given special status for the time of preparation to Euro 2012 and the event itself. It was proposed that in Dnipropetrovsk, Donetsk, Kyiv, Lviv, Odesa and Kharkiv 50% of profits taxes except for municipal sector were used to finance preparation measures and the championship itself.

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