Prosecutor General’s office of Ukraine considers that investigator, who detained Rudkovsky, followed all norms of the criminal and procedural legislation. Head of the investigatory administration Andriy Khochunsky stated at the briefing on Thursday, ForUm’s correspondent reports.

He has noted that the Prosecutor General’s office received a letter of complaint from the former Minister of Transport and Communications Mykola Rudkovsky concerning the violation during his arrest.

Khochunsky has informed that this complain will be considered by the Prosecutor General’s office within 5-6 days and then the decision will be taken. “But, I think that the investigator followed the criminal legislation,” he said.

Khochunsky has also called the mass media to wait for the decision of the court, “if we want to built the democratic state, we must follow the order, and the court will dot the i’s.”

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