Draft bill “On state budget 2008” is registered in the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine. The draft budget is submitted by the Cabinet of Ukraine.

The draft budget is expected to be considered today in the afternoon in the parliament.

As a reminder, yesterday Tymoshenko’s government approved draft budget 2008.

According to Yulia Tymoshenko, UAH 274.2 milliard of incomes of consolidated budget is planned for 2008. It is almost by 39% more than in 2007.

UAH 294.2 milliard of expenditure of consolidated budget is foreseen for 2008. It is almost by 34% more than rates in 2007.

Tymoshenko expressed assurance that mass deshadowing of economy would be carried out within some months.

According to Tymoshenko, minimal salary will be increased by 31.5% and living wage – by 17.8% (UAH 669) in comparison with 2007.

Labour Ministry is charged to elaborate draft bill to differentiate minimal salary.

According to draft budget, next year material assistance in amount of UAH 12240 will be given at birth of the first child, UAH 25 thousand at birth of the second child and UAH 50 thousand for next children.

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