Prime Minister of Ukraine Yulia Tymoshenko calls all citizens of Ukraine to participate in improvement of government’s program of activity. ForUm reports referring to the government press office.

“Every member of coalition government and I as the chairman invite all fellow countrymen who are not indifferent about fortune of our state – in Ukraine and out of its limits – to participate in improvement of program of Cabinet’s activity. We will be glad to get your propositions on governmental portal until December 27, 2007,” the Tymoshenko’s address said.

Tymoshenko is sure that program of the government’s activity must become a mandate of trust of Ukrainians concerning mass reforms in all spheres of life.

According to Tymoshenko, Government’s program “Ukrainian breakthrough” is aimed at achievement of economic growth, improvement of living standard of people, formation of transparent and competitive state.

Спасибі за Вашу активність, Ваше питання буде розглянуто модераторами найближчим часом