On December 3 President Viktor Yushchenko headed a meeting “Ukraine without boundaries” dedicated to International Day of Disabled Persons observance and gathering representatives of state authorities and public organizations, President's press office reports.
Opening the meeting President noted insufficiency of efforts being made by the authorities to execute President’s decrees of 2005 on improving the life conditions of disabled persons. Among the others Viktor Yushchenko criticized Ministries of culture, social policy, transport and education. “Unfortunately society sees little of your work. I evaluate your work low and would like to see our today’s meeting to be a starting point for actions we had not done yet,” he said.
President informed that he had commissioned Secretariat of the President to prepare a draft decree on evaluating the activity of the heads of regional administrations on execution of President’s decrees of 2005. “I am reassured that those people who don’t understand their mission and who’s morality evidently does not correspond to their status and posts must send in their papers,” Viktor Yushchenko said.
President emphasized that the meeting is to result into basic protocol which would oblige all officials and authorities responsible for ensuring appropriate life to disabled people to resolve a number of issues during next 6 month. “Until July 1, 2008 intermediate report must be prepared on implementation of measures mentioned in both President’s decrees and government’s plan of additional measures regarding arraignment of auspicious living conditions for people with physical disabilities,” he said.

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