The sitting of the bloc of Lytvyn charged it leader to hold negotiations concerning the format of partnership with representatives of other political forces in the parliament. Such decision was taken by the bloc at IX session of the bloc of Lytvyn.

In his speech Lytvyn, in particular, noted that the party must have its own position, be constructive and support the society dialog.

He also criticized calls upon the bloc of Lytvyn to join this or that political forces.

“We are told again – you should choose any side, you can’t be in state of uncertainty. It’s better to hold such position, but it should objective, fair and we must not try to accompany some political forces,” Lytvyn has emphasized.

At the same time he noted that the country needs new approach, which will meet the people’s demands.

According to Lytvyn, today two strong political sides do not hear each other and that’s why they divide everyone for ins and outs.

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