The best scenario for Ukraine would be “a wide coalition” with PM Yanukovych’s and President Yushchenko’s people. Ex-President of Ukraine Leonid Kuchma said that. The ForUm’s correspondent informs.

He also noted that there are no grounds to prove elections falsified or illegal. “Any court will not cancel results of elections.

Kuchma predicts that there will be crisis of power again in Ukraine. “There will be no replacement of political forces and there will be crisis again,” he said.

According to Kuchma, the way out of the current situation is to form a wide coalition between “OU-PSD” bloc and PR. At the same time, Kuchma stressed that Yanukovych must be a head of the Cabinet.

Kuchma also does not exclude that after early parliamentary elections there may be early presidential elections. According to him, it may happen in case after formation of the coalition, partners will be unsatisfied and will divide the power again.

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