Chairman of European delegation for relations with Ukraine Adrian Severin thinks that major political forces of Ukraine should unite in order to realize necessary reforms. He stated on Tuesday at the session of European Parliament’s Foreign Affairs Committee in Brussels.

“Results of the elections indicate the polarization of the society… And this means that all major political parties should cooperate,” he said.

According to him, there are two variants of further development of events in Ukraine: the unification of all political forces for the formation of minimal national agenda and its fulfillment, or the continuation of instability, blockage of work of each other, with a glance that the presidential elections will take place in one and a half year.

At the same time Severin sees the bases for positive realization of the scenario of development. According to him, President of Ukraine Viktor Yushchenko and political forces have spoken more than once about the necessity to form strong opposition with the right for main positions in the VRU controlling committees. Severin also notes that during the election campaign three main political forces have declared three similar massages: EU integration, improvement relations with Russia, Constitutional reform.

“I understand that there may be different approaches to these questions, but these questions may become the starting point for cooperation,” he said.

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