“Several days ago when I was in Ovruch, Zhytomyr region, an old woman approached me and said: “Tell Yanukovych, that he is wrong saying about rising teachers’ salaries by three times. They have really raised our salaries three times: firstly – by 7 UAH, secondly – by 11 UAH and the third time – by 21 UAH,” the "OU-PSD" bloc leader Yuri Lutsenko said during election tour in Ivano-Frankivsk yesterday, "OU-PSD" bloc press service reported.

“There is nothing strange that Yanukovych confused mathematic notions “three times” and “three times as many”. It seems he was brought up in conditions not suitable for education,” Lutsenko said.

According to him,  Yanukovych is like that magician from the song [a children’s song containing the words “a magician will come in a blue helicopter and will show movies free” – ed.] who flies in a helicopter and shows ‘movies’ about rising of salaries, pensions and stipends”.

“Having driven 47 000 km in my car (that is by 7 km more than the Earth’s equator) I haven’t found any place where teachers’ salaries were raised. That’s why nobody believes Yanukovych’s ‘movies’ any more,” he stressed.

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