“Segodnya" newspaper denies its involvement in publication of posters against BYuT leader Yulia Tymoshenko and gives Olexander Turxhynov 48 hours to bring apology to the newspaper. The chief editor of “Segodnya” newspaper Ihor Guzhva said that.

According to him, Turchynov discredited honor and business reputation of the newspaper.

In case Turchynov does not bring apology, we will appeal to court,” he said.

As a reminder, Turchynov declared that BYuT opponents started using dirty technologies against BYuT, having published posters with negative information against Yulia Tymoshenko. Turchynov also noted that BYuT found out that posters are printed in publishing house of “Segodnya” newspaper, the owner of which is Rinat Akhmetov.

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