The People's deputy of PR Anna Herman advises President’s secretariat head Viktor Baloha to forget “Kuchma” methods and not to interfere in elections process. Anna Herman said that today commenting statement of Viktor Baloha.

As a reminder, Baloha noted that the Party of Regions has accepted so many Ministers as new members because it lacks confidence in its results at an early parliamentary election on September 30.

“Viktor Baloha did right that does not participate in elections as his name in election lists of “Our Ukraine-People’s Self-Defense” would have reduced rating of presidential political force. It would be better for Baloha also not to interfere in election process,” Herman said.

“Instead of it Baloha would have better advised the President not to participate and, what is more, not to make a speech in congress of one political force - “OU-P S-D”, as he is the President of the whole Ukraine. Baloha would have better advised the President to demonstrate objectiveness to all participants of the election process,” she said.

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