The Government has enough forces in order to cope with natural calamities and emergency situations. Prime Minister of Ukraine, Viktor Yanukovych said at a session of the Government, Forum’s correspondent reports.

“The Government should use experience of natural calamities liquidation, which it already has,” he noted.

According to the PM, every step must be estimated by taking decisions.

As Yanukovych noted, the accident, occurred in Lviv region, shows that “sometimes we haven’t enough experience, and we make mistakes”. “But it is very important to correct these mistakes, and the information policy takes the main role in these emergency situations,” he emphasized.

“Officials must reaction in time on emergency situations, actions, and information policy,” he added.

Besides, Yanukovych criticized excessive politicization and disinformation of these situations.

He assured that the Government will thoroughly work on this question. “I’ll ask the Ministers to decide who will be responsible for the information policy in every Ministry in case of unforeseen situations occurrence. We must determine how the information system will work, and who will be responsible for that information in the mass media,” Yanukovych emphasized.

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