People’s deputy of V convocation from PR faction Volodymyr Zubanov considers that PR will spend about USD 1 million on election campaign started on August 1, he said that in an exclusive interview to ForUm’s correspondent.

According to Zubanov, current election campaign is too short, that’s why it is necessary to pay much attention to advertising through mass media. As there is little time, prices will be high,” he stressed.

He foresees that advertising intensify will be even more than it was during previous election campaign. “I think every political party will spend USD 50 million only on advertising,” he said.

Moreover, Zubanov said that in scope of election agitation, distributing leaflets, posters are necessary, - it will cost about USD 10 million. “There will be expenses connected with work of agitators, observers, commission members. Many people should be sent in other regions, so expenses will be high,” he said. According to his forecast, minimum three political parties: OU, BYuT, PR will have to find about USD 100 million for election campaign.

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