The People’s deputy of the PR faction Rinat Akhmetov considers Ukraine should have fair, democratic parliamentary elections for which it is necessary to adopt a range of appropriate laws, the ForUm’s correspondent informs.

“We decided to go to elections but only to fair and democratic, that’s why we rely on working group that prepares necessary drafts,” e told yesterday in Donetsk.

He also noted that democratic and fair elections are equal rules fof play for all political forces. According to him, the PR must participate in elections by all means.

“Not participating in elections means to split Ukraine. It means political economic and social instability," he added.

Akhmetov considers current Cabinet resignation headed by Yanukovych is impossible. “Not only we consider it but also the law,” he said.

Akhmetov also positively appreciated professionalism of former and current Secretaries of NSDC Vitaly Hayduk and Ivan Plyushch.

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