The speaker of the VRU Olexander Moroz calls the Party of Regions and the Our Ukraine to hold negotiations on forming a new parliamentary coalition. Such proposition Moroz made today.

Moroz noted that such negotiations can be carried out on the basis of coalition agreement signed a year ago. In case the leaders of two political parties manage to agree, the socialists are ready not to join the coalition. “We will leave the coalition and give you such opportunity to obtain this perspective,” he declared.

According to Moroz, such variant can be an alternative for early elections. Now everyone understands that in case of the early elections, the results will be the same as in 2006, the PR will obtain majority of votes. So the OU will need to agree with the PR. The question is why to spend budget funds,” Moroz said.

He stressed that in case the PR and OU do not manage to agree, the President will have all reasons to dissolve the parliament. Moroz also repeated again that there are no both political and legal grounds for parliament dissolution for today.

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