The people’s deputy, a member of Party of Regions Taras Chornovil is convinced that the President should declare that he will not veto drafts bills adopted by the parliament without opposition, as BYuT and OU insist on it. He told the ForUm’s correspondent.

“The President should declare that he is the President of the whole country and someone from the representatives of the opposition has no privatization right for him. Otherwise it is disrespect towards the President,” Chernovil said.

He noted that the President has right to veto laws as to lack of correspondence to the Constitution but not because “Tymoshenko and her devoted servant Kyrylenko like it or not.”

Commenting situation around Ohryzko appointment and possible submission of his candidature for the third time, Chernovil noted that “it will be even not funny, but in any case the President has right to do it without any limitations.”

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