The people’s deputy of the Party of Regions Raisa Bogatyreva considers that the PM of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych did not violate agreements reached with the President. She told “5 channel” yesterday.

“I would like to tell who breaks (agreements among the President, PM and speaker on Ohryzko appointment – ed.) or tries to make Yushchenko to be the President of the opposition, but not the people’s one. Yesterday the PM gathered the representatives of the Party of Regions to convince them to make positive decision concerning Ohryzko appointment,” Bogatyreva noted.

She noted that this discussion was not easy, but the PM insisted on his position.

“The discussion was broken as the head of the President’s Secretariat had declared that opposition will demand this and there is no way for anti crisis coalition but to agree and to approve decision of the President who supports the opposition. Yanukovych agreed with the President but not with the head of the Secretariat or the opposition,” she said.

According to Bogatyreva, the reason of frustrated voting on Ohryzko appointment to the Foreign Minister post was “political sharp practice of President’s people”.

At the same time, Bogatyreva noted that in case the anti crisis coalition does not want to follow agreement with the President, it would just vote against Ohryzko.

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