Kyiv hosted presentation of the project "Stable Territorial Development of Ukraine", financed by the EU. The project envisages elaboration of a complex strategy of a stable local development, head of EuroCommission's Mission to Ukraine Ian Boag said. According to him, the EU will provide Ukraine with 80 M. Euros for development and improvement of living standards of some Ukrainians. The European Commission views the project as a completing part of democratic changes in Ukraine in the context of a new agreement between the EU and Ukraine.

The project aims at improvement of public utilities infrastructure, improvement of management system and elaboration of a complete strategy of stable local market.

The project's fulfilment is supposed to last for 4 years and is evaluated at 13 M. Euros.

The project will be launched in the Chernihiv region, Sumy region, Kharkiv region, Luhansk region, Cherkasy region.

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