In a BBC interview, Victor Yushchenko has said the intention of the ‘anti-crisis’ coalition to dismiss Interior Minister Yuriy Lutsenko and Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk undermine political stability in the country, president's press office reported.

“I insist that such rotations do not facilitate stabilization,” he said.

The President said he “politically objected” to the dismissal of Lutsenko and would “take all available measures of influence to prevent the adoption of such a resolution.”

Yushchenko said our society “needs” what Borys Tarasyuk does. He expressed confidence the minister would not be sacked and added that Prime Minister Viktor Yanukovych knew his opinion.

When asked why he had dismissed Security Chief Ihor Drizhchany, the President said he had fulfilled his tasks. He said the Security Service should now have a new head.

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