Prime Minister of Ukraine Victor Yanukovych intends to initiate dismissal of Foreign Minister Borys Tarasyuk, as he declared in an interview to Inter channel. “I will put this question to the President and the parliament,” the Premier said.

“How can I treat the minister, who declared that he is in opposition to the government? What does it mean? It means that he does not agree with the program of the government. If you are a man and you have principles, send a resignation application and leave. But if you do not want to do this we will help you. That’s unambiguously,” Yanukovych stated.

Additionally, the PM informed that “due to position of the Foreign Ministry” his meeting with Sec Gen of Council of Europe Tarry Davis was deranged. In particular, Yanukovych said that the meeting was deranged because Mr Davis “stayed too long at a lunch with the Foreign Minister.”

“This is the matter of international relations. If such unprincipled and irresponsible man like Tarasyuk thinks that he does something bad to Yanukovych, he is wrong. He does bad things to the country,” the Premier noted.

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