Malyshev’s Munitions Factory National Company will make a contract with the Defence Ministry of Pakistan on military supplies to the amount of $100 million or more, Hennadiy Hrytsenko, Malyshev’s Munitions Factory Director, revealed Friday.

“As for now, we have finalised preliminary work with Pakistan’s Defence Ministry. We cannot reveal any other details,” stated Hrytsenko.

Malyshev’s Factory is to deliver all utilities and optional equipment for the armoured technics supplied before to Pakistan.

The new deal will give an opportunity to overcome the financial crisis, the factory’s officials opine: “We are convinced that due to the contract, the financial state of the company will get stabilised in January-February 2007.”

Note: since 2002, Malyshev’s Munitions Factory has got $7-10 million of annual losses. In 1996-2002 the factory was a profitable enterprise due to the military supplies to Pakistan.

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