Resigned ministers from the Our Ukraine bloc explain their decision by the fact that representatives of the coalition have failed to implement principles of National Unity Pact.

“The decision to move to opposition was made as a result of long negotiations, when it became understood that the anti-crisis coalition was not going to implement Universal,” leader of OU faction Roman Bezsmertny told Thursday at the press conference.

According to Justice Minister Roman Zvarych, “there are all grounds to state that certain forces were cunning, when signed National Unity Pact in order to get the post of Prime Minister and to form coalition government.”

He noted that Universal does not provide for Ukraine’s joining NATO Action Plan, but Party of Regions assumed obligation to send a letter to Brussels after forming the government. The letter was supposed to express Ukraine’s readiness to realize NATO Action Plan.  

The minister also declared that Yanukovych’s government does not take any steps to obtain WTO membership for Ukraine, as well as to implement principles of the Pact concerning language policy.  

Minister for Youth, Sport and Family affairs Yuri Pavlenko underlined that the decision to resign was “a logical sequel of OU decision to move to opposition.” He noted that “opportunities to implement National Unity Pact were not found during the negotiations.”

Health Minister Yuri Polyachenko mentioned that the decision to resign did not come easy to him, as he is not a member of Our Ukraine. “Today I have moral obligations to Our Ukraine, which nominated me for the ministerial post on OU quota. This decision is final,” he said.

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