Position of Ukraine concerning Transdniester will be “respectful and restrained”, chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine Oleksandr Moroz declared in Moscow commenting on Transdniester’s appeal to Russia, Ukraine and Belarus to recognize the results of referendum of September 17 on its independence.

Moroz said that the formula proposed by Russia’s President Putin is the most “common and acceptable.”

According to Ukraine’s speaker, there are international principles, which must be respected. Additionally, “it is needed to care for integrity of the state; otherwise, consequences can be unforeseen.”

At the same time he noted, that “it is necessary to respect citizens’ will and proceed from international principles.”

As a reminder, Transdniester ask Russia, Belarus, Ukraine and other CIS countries to recognize the Transdniester Moldavian Republic as a sovereign independent state.

Such appeal is made in an address by the TMR Supreme Council to the Russian State Duma, the Belarusian National Assembly, the Ukrainian Supreme Rada, the CIS inter-Parliamentary Assembly. Transdnestrian MPs passed the address on October 11.

The MPs note that the address is based upon the people’s will expressed democratically on the independence referendum on September 17.

In connection with this address Moldova’s parliament intends to issue a statement on October 12, Regnum reported.

According to data released by the Transdniestrian Central Election Commission, 97.2% voters supported the idea of Transdniester independence and its further joining the Russian Federation.

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