Polish government does not forecast worsening of relations between Ukraine and Poland with Yanukovich’s coming into power, as Poland’s vice PM Anjey Lepper told “Profile” magazine.

“I think there will be no difficulties. Both Poland’s President Lech Kaczynski and PM Yaroslav Kaczynski, as well as parties of the ruling coalition, stand for good-neighbour relations with Ukraine,” Lepper said.

He added that “foreign policy is in President Yushchenko’s hands; his representatives are responsible for this bloc, and none of these ministers belong to Party of Regions. Ukraine aspires to be a member of the European Union, and Poland supports this course. As for NATO, it is Ukraine’s choice.”

As for Ukraine’s image after the formation of the new government, Lepper noted: “Mass Medias influence this image very much. Press all the time underlines Yanukovich’s origin, his aspiration to become closer to Russia, and it does not help to create good image. At the same time, common sense must win: Ukraine is interested in good relations with Russia as well as with Europe.”

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