Our Ukraine Bloc condemns populist statements voiced by RF State Duma regarding the Autonomous Republic of Crimea.

“The supreme legislative body of Russia should not pass political decisions based upon historical events traced back 250 years. We are convinced that current international relations must take into the account of the political situation of the present moment not the agreements of the Age of Enlightenment or other Ages,” emphasises the OU statement.

Our Ukraine Bloc opines that Kuchuk-Kainardzhijsk Treaty of 1774 was concluded between Russian and Ottoman Empires, both states ended long ago. Thereby, such interpretations of Russian politicians may provoke Ukrainian radical political forces and cause their demand to restore Ukraine within the Kievan Rus measures (Moscow and Kuban included).

Our Ukraine Bloc expresses a confidence that the international relations must be built upon admitted principle of sovereignty and inviolability of territorial integrity of all countries of the world. “We stand for development of friendship and partnership between Russia and Ukraine, particularly for continuation of the frontier delimitation process,” the statement says.

The Foreign Ministry of Ukraine refused to comment on the Duma’s proposal. “We do not reckon it is worth to be commented on,” said Vasyl Filipchuk, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson.

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