Additional payments for every new born Ukrainian in the amount of eight thousand hryvnias, introduced by Ukraine’s President Victor Yushchenko, have not effect the birth-rate, as Veronika Zalizetska chief specialist of Department on family affairs declared during the roundtable in Kyiv.

“According to data from State statistic committee, financial help in the amount of eight thousand hryvnias has not led to expected baby boom. The index has increased from 8.7% to 9.2% only,” she said.

According to Zalizetska, population in Ukraine continues reducing.

“Ukrainian population reduces by 400 thousand people annually. Ukrainian population is getting older. Disabled part of population (women over 50, men over 60) makes 23.8% of total population. This part will increase to 38% approximately in the near future,” states the specialist of Department on family affairs.

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