At a heads of state press conference in Varna, Victor Yushchenko has said it was important to form an international coalition to achieve energy security.

“The January gas crisis showed that no country can independently achieve energy security, so our discussions today are really topical and important,” he said.

Victor Yushchenko added that energy security models should be consistent with interests of countries that produce energy, states that transport it and energy consumers. He then admitted that they had not discussed any particular projects at today’s informal summit.

Polish President Lech Kaczynski opined that the European Union’s enlargement was “an obvious thing.”

“The European Union must not forget about such countries as Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia,” he said, adding that these states should not wait too long to join the Union. “I am convinced that Ukraine should not wait for thirteen years to join EU, although it will not happen tomorrow. But Europe is one.”

Mr. Kaczynski also said Europe’s energy security depended on EU membership prospects of Ukraine, Moldova and Georgia. He declared that the further enlargement will help achieve continental stability and peace.

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