In accordance with the NATO-Ukraine Target Plan-2006, Ukraine pledges to improve the implementation of international standards related to the rights and freedoms of national minorities.

Ukraine’s Justice Ministry together with the State Committee on Nationalities and Migration are commissioned to work out the draft bill on the base approaches of the national ethnic policy in accordance with the recommendations of the Council of Europe. The draft bill is due to be based upon the new edition of the Act on National Minorities of Ukraine, submitted to the OSCE expertise and accompanied during the considerations in Verkhovna Rada.

The Justice Ministry is to prepare the introduction of changes into the Act on Civil Associations in order to improve the procedure of formation of national minorities’ organizations and to regulate their work. The responsible power branches are commissioned to guarantee the implementation of the European Charter for Regional or Minority Languages.

The document also regulates the improvement of the national management within the sphere of the international relations, the budget financing of the national minorities’ projects and guarantees the assistance to the cultural and educational programs of the minorities, the proper information campaign concerning the protection of rights and development of the ethnic traditions.

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