Defence Minister of Russia Sergey Ivanov reckons that the sum of the rent for the radar systems in Mukachevo and Sevastopol may be discussed at the level of the governments.

“The rent price of one or another object was used to be discussed and then fixed. That is why I cannot say how much it is now,” said Minister Ivanov in Naro-Fominsk.

“I think this question may be settled during the negotiations and the consultation with Ukraine,” added Russain Minister.

The last week Ukraine’s Defence Minister Anatoly Hrytsenko declared that Russian financial compensation for the exploitation has not covered the expenses for servicing of the objects.

“There are two stations - Mukachevo and Sevastopol. Russia really needs them because these are its eyes and ears which ‘see’ and ‘hear’ for long-long miles. In accordance with the bilateral agreements, we proved servicing of the radars… Frankly speaking, the sum is too small to cover our expenses. This is the point of Defence Ministries and the governments of two countries,” said Hrytsenko in the interview of December 23 to 2000 weekly.

Russia pays $1.2 million for information delivered by these stations.

It was February of 2005 when Ukraine’s Defence Ministry demanded to increase price for it for the first time. But Moscow refused referring to the condition of the agreement of 1992 stating the fixed price for the next 15 years. Then he radar systems were passed under the jurisdiction of National Space Agency of Ukraine which leads to the revision of the agreement.

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