By night November 16, regular attack on Russian cultural center (RCC) in Lvov has been committed, as reported by Alexander Katachin, head of RCC press office.

“Unknown persons broke all windows on the center front,” told he.

According to Katachin, at the scene there were found stones, which were used by criminals.

At the beginning of November Interior Ministry Lvov Department appealed to strengthen guarding of RCC building due to constant attacks, “Novy Region” informs.

By night September 20-21 unknown persons drew fylfot signs and anti-Russian inscriptions all over the center. After the incident Foreign Ministry of Russia delivered a protest note to the Ukrainian side.

Deliberate criminals repeatedly attacked the building of the Russian center. They broke Pushkin’s bust on the center front, wrote offensive inscriptions and signs on the walls, broke windows and even blew up the front door.

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