Ex-Premier of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko leading Batkivshchyna Party declared about the necessity to revive the relations with President of Ukraine Victor Yushchenko but only after the parliamentary elections-2006.

“I am sure we must renew our unity with President Yushchenko,” announced she in DW interview.

Theleader of Batkivshchyna and BYT pointed out that “it will be possible to do if our political force wins the parliamentary elections and renew union with Victor Yushchenko except the people of his team accused of corruption.”

“I keep absolutely backing President Yushchenko and I want our unity to recommence right after the elections on the basis of united bloc of new parliament,” stressed Timoshenko.

She stated that her political bloc would form the next government and mentioned that she would claim for the premiership.

BYT leader reckons the elections to be crucial point of Ukraine’s development as well as the presidential elections-2004.

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