Communist Party of Ukraine spreads the information about supposedly provocations planed by Yushchenko’s supporters.

NSNU (People’s Union “Our Ukraine”) Yushchenko’s party condemns the disinformation provoked by CPU. It also urges Ukrainian law enforcement agencies to prevent any provocations committed by any political forces on November 7 (the celebration of October Revolution), reads its statement.

It also states that NSNU is tolerant to activity of other political and social forces in the country if it obeys the laws of Ukraine. “But we warn CPU and its leader it is very dangerous to foment social confrontation by artificial opposition on the eve of parliamentarian elections-2006.

“NSNU on behalf of its thousands supporters proved its disinclination of coercive approach in political struggle. The Orange Revolution was an evidence of honesty and courage of Yushchenko’s supporters who will prevent bloodshed,” written in NSNU statement.

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