Former PM of Ukraine Yulia Timoshenko declares that staff of Cabinet she governed was completely formed by President Victor Yushchenko. She considers the same principle will be maintained when forming the new Cabinet, as Timoshenko reported in an interview to “Comersant-Ukraina.”

“It was a very tough term of President. Both Cabinet staff and governors were his candidatures. And I my role was to find common language with all these people. I managed to work as a command with very different people and there were not any conflicts in the government. Today, I think, the government will be formed for Yekhanov, as it was formed for me,” said Timoshenko.

As for the new list of ministers, Timoshenko considers that “it will be partially renewed staff.” “I can not tell who will be included and who will be not. But I can say for sure Tomenko, Teryokhin and I won’t be there.”

Former PM pointed out that parliamentary faction of Bloc of Yulia Timoshenko (BYuT) will not take part in formation of the new government and will not vote for the candidature of new PM.

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