The talk of the town in Kiev during the summer weeks this year has centered on hundreds of billboards in the city that, with their dash of sexual innuendo, have outraged some, amused others, and are quickly entering the national lexicon.
“There should be 52 million of us! Kokhaimosya!” declares one version plastered throughout the capital of a country that’s currently 48 million souls strong.
The simple billboards began appearing in Kiev by the hundreds in mid-July — “The country doesn’t have enough Oscars!... The country doesn’t have enough cosmonauts!... The country doesn’t have enough Nobel laureats!... The country doesn’t have enough football players!” they appealed to passersby. “Kokhaimosya!”
Roughly translated, the key last word in the ad means “let’s love one another,” but its undertone connotation of “let’s make love” has set off a storm of discussion here, including in the highest offices.
“What is that supposed to mean? That we should all fuck?” an indignant Kiev Mayor Alexander Omelchenko railed recently at a top government meeting, as Prime Minister Yulia Timoshenko giggled.
It turned out that some inhabitants of the coutry followed the direct instructions.
In response to such “social advertisement”, as these billboards were called, some original and opposite statements appeared in Ukrainian Internet.
To catch up and to leave behind:
"The country has enough idiots! Stop :("

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