Leaders of Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Georgia will meet on Thursday in Crimea to discuss ways of creating a powerful regional bloc to promote democracy in the former Soviet Union, Ukrainian Journal reported.

The bloc, which is supposed to stretch from the Baltic Sea to the Caspian Sea, is seen by many analysts as a challenge to increasingly authoritarian rule in Russia and Belarus.

The two-day meeting is the first multilateral effort to map out the bloc's inauguration schedule. It comes five days after President Viktor Yushchenko and his Georgian counterpart Mikhail Saakashvili have announced the initiative.

The prompt response to the initiative from Lithuanian President Valdas Adamkus and Polish President Alexander Kwasniewski suggests the parties will quickly go ahead to create the bloc.

It also shows that Ukraine, Poland, Lithuania and Georgia will probably become the engine of the bloc. Other countries that may join the organization include Estonia, Latvia, Moldova, and Azerbaijan, analysts said.

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