"Dynamo" lost the return match with "Tun" held in Burn with the score 0-1. The goal was scored at the end of the second period.

In match, held with this team in Kiev, the score was 2:2. Thus, according to the sum of both matches, the score was 2:3 in favor of "Tun".

Georgy Surkis President of FC "Dynamo" reckons that defeat is the tragedy and the reasons of it must be found out.

"I think that the problems started when Josef Sabo had unexpectedly announced that he would leave "Dynamo" in the end of the season. We must investigate why it happened. Probably, the team was driven to such psychological condition. And you know that it is impossible for any genius coach to create efficient team in two or three weeks," stated Surkis. 

"The defeat to Swiss FC "Tun" can not be excused. But to call Buryak’s appointment the reason of defeat is a mistake. We need to get at the root. Brazilian legionaries venture to be late on training gatherings with nine kg of overweight. They get penalties but the penalties do not play football. It must be found out. May be we should refuse from so-called pretended legionaries who come only for money. We must form our own team like it was in 1999. I think it is possible to do it," mentioned Grigory Surkis.  

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