The head of Dnepropetrovsk Regional Organization of "Nasha Ukraina" (Our Ukraine) political party, Alexander Zhyr, reckons that the strong coalition of BJT (Julia Timoshenko Bloc) and "Nasha Ukraina"  should be created without the People’s Party (Volodymir Litvin’s political party) for the participation in the parliamentary elections-2006.

The statement was written in Zhyr’s open letter to the president of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko. The text of the letter was read today in the press-conference in Kiev.

According to his words, the coalition should consist of not only three parties (Nasha Ukraina, BJT and the People’s Party) but of all parties which had created Nasha Ukraina and BJT before.

Therefore, all parties should take part in the negotiations concerning the creation of the coalition.

Zhyr also stated that the coalition should be headed by "the candidate prime minister, who will form the government after the elections," Tribuna reported.

In response to the journalists’ questions, Zhyr reported that Julia Timoshenko should be the leader of the election list.

Zhyr stated that it was his personal view, which had not been submitted to Nasha Ukraina’s approval.

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