The State Committee for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship asked the president of Ukraine to give it the status of the national commission and place it under the authority of the president and Verkhovna Rada.

The head of the State Committee for Regulatory Policy and Entrepreneurship, Andrey Dashkevich, stated that it, coming out in the forum "Regulatory Policy is the pledge of the openness and clearness of the power." The president of Ukraine and the prime minister of Ukraine were present there, "Obkom" reported. Andrey Dashkevich subjected the Cabinet to criticism, concerning the situation with statutory acts of the Cabinet which did not regarded their regulatory influence on the businessmen. 

According to his words, the Cabinet does not have the structure which would competently assess the regulatory influence of the Cabinet’s statutory acts. The lack of such estimate let the Cabinet to pass the economically groundless decisions and increase the pressure onto the businessmen. Dashkevich added that the Ministry of Economy is going to get the authority to register businessmen and give them license.

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