On May 25, Ministry of Economy has abrogated its order establishing the wholesale petrol and diesel limits, the press service of Ministry of Economy reported.

According to the order of May 23, Ministry of Economy reduced the period of validity order №95 of April 14 "About the establishment of the wholesale petrol and diesel limits" up to May 25, instead of June 1, "UNIAN" reported.

The president of Ukraine, Viktor Yushchenko, charged the Cabinet with regulating of oil market situation by the decree of May 18. This decree found the Cabinet’s policy touching upon the managing of oil market to be incorrect and discordant to the principles of market economy.

The president also charged the Ministry of Economy with countermand of its acts about the administrating of price formation in the oil market and providing with the effective information about the trends of the world oil markets.

We remind that the previous prices were established in the following amounts: diesel oil price-by 8 %( 0,24 UAH),up to 2.99 UAH per liter; A-95 petrol – by 7% (0,21UAH), up to 3.2 UAH per liter; A-92 petrol – by 1,4% (0,04UAH), up to 2.99 UAH per liter.     

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